Technical Name: Thiamethoxam (12.6%) + Lambdacyhalothrin (9.5%) ZC
Product Description:
Alika Mixture of contact & Contact, Systemic insecticide, Thiamethoxam (12.6%) + Lambdacyhalothrin (9.5%) ZC, Excellent product for the Right Start of the crop with effective control against sucking pests. Exhibits good overall crop outlook and better crop greening with more branches and flower initiation.
Dosage: 80 mL per acre
Targeted Insects
Boll worm, Aphids, Bud worm, Flower feeder, Fruit borer, Gram pod borer, Hairy caterpillars, Leaf folder, Leaf webber, pod borer, Potato tuber moth, Red ants, semilooper, Tobacco caterpillar, Fruit fly, Weevil, BPH, Bugs, Thrips, Hispa, Jassids, Hoppers, Spiralling Whitefly,, Mealy bugs, Anar butterfly